sp.sangli@mahapolice.gov.in | Emergency 100, 1091
Police Welfare Department
The Police Welfare Department in Sangli oversees various daily operations to support police personnel and their families. These operations include managing facilities such as:
- Petrol Pump
- Sanskriti Subsidiary Canteen
- Restaurant
- Rest house
- Nursery
- Balwadi Vishrambag and Sangli Rural
- Krishna marriage Hall
- Children’s Park
- Multipurpose Hall
- Sanskar Bhavan Bandmitten Hall, Old Building
- Career Guidance Center
- Library
- Gymnasium
- Flour Mill
- Cheap food shop
- RO Water Plant
The department also provides various welfare services, including:
- Medical Treatment: Providing Appendix A form/certificate for free medical treatment to police officers, employees, or their dependents under the M.P.O.K.A scheme.
- Interest-Free Advances: Offering interest-free advances from the Ekalavya scheme to police officers’ families for small-scale industries.
- Retirement Programs: Attending retirement programs/camps and submitting completion reports.
- Insurance Claims: Filing and settling group accident insurance claims.
- Medical Camps: Conducting medical camps for police officers, employees, and their families.
- Vigilance Matters: Working on vigilance matters to ensure the well-being of police personnel.

कृष्णा मॅरेज हॉल व बालवाडी नुतनीकरणाचे उद्घाटन आज दि. २१/०२/२०२५ रोजी मा. सुनिल फुलारी, (भा.पो.से) विशेष पोलीस महानिरीक्षक, कोल्हापुर परिक्षेत्र, कोल्हापुर व श्रीमती वंदना सुनिल फुलारी यांचे शुभ हस्ते व संदीप घुगे पोलीस अधीक्षक, सांगली तसेच श्रीमती शितल संदीप घुगे यांच्या प्रमुख उपस्थितीत झाले.