sp.sangli@mahapolice.gov.in | Emergency 100, 1091
Local Crime Branch
Satish Shinde
Police Inspector
Local Crime Branch plays very important role in maintaining the law and order of the city. This branch controls the criminals and crime of all police stations in the district. This branch provides the summery of information like fingerprints, deserter to Jail Deputy Inspector General of Police, Pune and Aurangabad.
This branch provides/Send monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly statements on important information’s like Loot, Theft, Illegal arms, motor vehicle theft, ndps crime, kidnapping, banking and post fraud and theft, duplicate currency etc. to their seniors.
Local Crime Branch also collects information like wanted criminals, Absconders, Unidentified dead bodies, crimes on the highways as well as collects data regarding atrocities act, Human rights & tiger cell. . from the police stations and send it to their seniors.
This branch also works on women privileges, Women social security committee and and also collects data of missing persons from police stations and distribute in the district as well as in other states.
Office of Superintendent of Police Sangli,
Email: lcb.sangli@mahapolice.gov.in
Mobile: 9028100100